Sunday, 26 February 2017

Types of Essay

              Types of Essay
            The word essay came in to use with the publication of essays Montaigne is described as “ The first to say as an a man” so or this description it is  clear that an essay is poorly subjective .Bacon call his essay as “ Piece of depressed meditation ” .Bacon essays were notes on things outside himself were as Montaigne gives himself.

It’s lyric like spontaneous:-
                                        The only legitimate of the essay is give pleasure and essay like lyrics because it is the free spontaneous reaction of its author to his subject like Lyrics and essay is also the song of a single voice. It gives as much of the author as of his subject and therefore and essay must are directly from the mood of author given the mood, the essay “From the first sentences to the last grows round worm. It is the moods that make the essay.

Appearance of Casual:-
                       The essay must have the Appearance of casual .The author to the essay should not force his point view.. He presence no argument or he is not interested in direct perching the author of the essay tells nearly about how he feels or god is his views on a particular object which he has selected at the subject of his essay.

 The essay defined:-
                  As there is innumerable variety of from. It is almost impossible to give a definition of the essay applicable to all Dr. Johnson defined the essay as “A loose selling of mind and irregular … not a regular and orderly composition but this definition is an in educate with the reference of the modern essay.Murry’s dictionary defines the essay as composition of moderate length, on any particular subject or branch of subject….. Originally.
                                   Originally the word essay imply an examination of a subject or an attempt towards it at not the final or complete knowledge of it.According to Crab” The essay is the most popular mode of writing because it suits the author who his neither talent nor complete and deep knowledge  of the subject but according to Saint Beauve “ And essay writing is the most difficult thing because it requires the power of conditions “ The believe that s good essay must have  combination of consciousness and complete which is possible only when the author is the master of his master.

                 To sum up one can says that essay is one of the important genres of literature .Its deals with a single subject like lyrics and is considered to be subjective.Thus essay provides a different kind of factor so far as the literary writing are concern.   

The short note about the short story.

                                    The Short story
                            The definition of the short stories says that the short story can be anything that author decided it shall be “It Is said that the genre is a product of the nineteenth century. The first half 20 century.
                           Any through short stories as a genre all through the short story did not read the height of its popularity until the begging of the presence century. It is as Maugham suggests in the passage that it is one of the oldest type of literature in the Bible, the old Testament is full of wonderful short story which modern writer have borrow or imitative over and over again.

The short note about the short story:-
                             It would clearly be possible in one short chapter to give anything like a history or a serve a of the short story as a form of the literature. There are many famous short stories as a form of the literature. There are many short story writers like Somerset Maugham, Henry James, D.H.Lawrence, Rudyard Kipling and Edgar Alan Poe etc have written many famous short story like
“The Mother “
 “The Civil and Military Gazette”
 “The neck less”
 “The house of the Usher”
 “The black cat”.
                                       Joseph Conrad is possible unique among important English writers his novel for the example “Allayer’s folly” and “Liar Film “are based on his own experience similarly In his short story.  Most of the short stories writer is master of the “Plotted story”. There chief interested is in the story as a series event wither fantastic of realist. Other writer in the early part of the century. However was influence by the Great Russian short story writer. Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy and Chekhov and O Henry was a journalist and his stories immensely popular on both sides of the Atlantic have the qualities of the best journalism good plots and extreme directness and economy of style.
                                                 The story of A.E. Copper are like those of the great Russian in being built on situation and atmosphere rather than plot although Coppered published more than a hundred story in his lifetime begging with “ Adam and Eve”, “ Pinch me”( 1921). He did not have any great popular success. His work of quite in tone to poetic perhaps to attract large number of readers but he has always being greatly admired by commissars of short story.
                               Kathrine Mansfield is the most remarkable short story writer of her generation in England. She has given very well known work like “ A Bliss”, “The Garden Partly “, “ The Dove’s nest” and “ Something childish”. She also has qualities of humanity and compassion as a great writer. She is particular good at picturing the people lonely or misunderstood in society.
                                     Famous Short writer is H.E. bates.His first short story is “The Two Sister” was published in 1926.His other short story are “The purple plain , ”’Fair stood the wind for France” and “ The Jacaranda Tree” but style  is fluent comparatively simple.

Conclusion :-
                  This is how the short story is considered to be short and sweet part of literature because the reader does not have to spread his much time reading. It  is simple inform compared novel as a deals with a single tone of voice.    

The short note about the Essay.

               The Essay

                 The shorter Oxford dictionary essay as in to “ A short Composition on any particular subjects “ were as doctor Samuel Johnson defines as “ An regular , undigested piece” were as adamant Gorse defines it as a composition of moderate length…. Which deals in an easy, cursory way with the extremely condition of a subject and stickiness with that subject only as it a fact the writer.

 The short note about the Essay:-

                    Of the three definitions courted the third is probably most useful it include something which most people would considered typical of the essay namely its personal nature and it would be better to mention the writer here looked a Bacon, Cowley , Steel ,Addison, Johnson ,Lame ,Hazlett ,Macaulay ,Belloc, Bernard Shaw ,Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot and George Orwell this are the names that come into the mind of most English people when there here the essay.
                                 Bacon describes some of his essay his “Civil “and some of as “Moral”. The civil essay are though in which he sets down his thought on political questions and the  moral are concerned private personal question like love, marriage and the problem of the parents and children some of the essay are on aesthetics like “ Of Garden” and “ Of Building”.
                          The essay of Abraham Cowley is very different and he has given the English essay the friendly conversational tone. Richard Steel and Joseph Addison had given their word on club ration which are “The Tatter” and “The Spectator”. Charles Lambs ‘’ the essay of Elia” was a pour essay i its appearance in nature.
                         William Hazlett no doubt is also the famous Essayist during his time. His Essay “on the pleasure of hating” is very famous one. His most important essays are to be found in his “Characters of Shakespeare’s plays “Lecture on the English poet” and “The English comic writers”.
                                    Thomas Macaulay was a highly successful politician, historian and journalist. Many of his essays are serious studies of the lives and work of great men like Milton, Civil and William Pitt The reader read them for an information rather than enjoyment.
             The Essay of Mathew Arnold was also designed to educate and improve the reader rather than to amuse him. Arnold however was often critical of 19 the century values in “Essay in criticism “and “Culture and a rich .He attacks the materialism of the upper and middle classes. He was highly critical on British education..
                            They were essays like Hillier Belloc, Gilberto Keith, Chesterton, E. R.Lucas, Max Beerbohm, Robert Lynde etc. The essay respect because they are written with the confidence and a great poet. One of the most important of them is ‘Tradition and the Individual talent”. Eliot critical essay covered a wild field of literature as well as religious and political subject.

                        One of the important genre “Essay” is very subjective and presence height of information regarding the subject it is also very important with other fields of literature.      

The short note about the Satire.


Introduction :-           
                                          Satire is  one of the very different kinds of writing because its deals with satirizing literary work for the purpose of social upliftment and morality .It is also deals with Irony which is often expressed by a tone of voice having inventive elements. The most important of all satirist’s weapon is his ability to amuse and entertain the reader without this satire the works becomes nearly tedious bad temper.

 The short note about the Satire:-

                                               Many people in 20th century have been worried about the possible misuses of science and Technology by governments, historian, sociologist and journalist have written millions of word about it but the most effective warning have come from imaginative writers like H.G.Wells, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell this is because books like “The shape of thing to come”, “ Brave new world”, “ Nighteen  Eightly Four” have been read up by millions of people for pour enjoyment the best example of all is “ Gulliver Travels “ which one can easily read as a story without realizing the author’s  Satirical intention at all .Sir Thomas More is famous for his satirical work likes “ Utopia”.
                     Swift’s Satirical writing wither in prose Orin words is inspired by what seems to be a general hatred of mankind yet  he was not in like for his kindness to his friend and his unselfish work for the sick and poor people of Ireland fortunately Swift’s moral indignation was equaled by his wit and inventiveness. He was able to tell the most ridiculous stories and make the most out range us jokes while appearing a utterly serious.
                             There is one another famous writer Thomas love peacock. He wrote his satire in the form of novels but his very different of form what is usually understood by the world. “ Headlong Whole, “ Crotchet Castle”, “ Nightmare Abbey” and “ Melting court “ in which second last is the best satire.
                      Huxley’s strength as a satirist lies in the fact he is also a true novelist who writes about real people in real humans situations.  
                                       Reading to the work of satirist and especially of modern satirist Huxley and Orwell we are remembered often facts that Literature often is a moral purpose indeed that is how we general read satirical books beyond near entertainment how aware is the moral effect they have upon millions of readers after reading them we can never again shut are to the dangerous which that modern world. A great satire can often to do more practically good than hundred speeches by good democratic politician or thousand sermons by well meaning preachers.