Saturday, 25 March 2017

Here are my views about the novel ‘Harry Potter’ by J.K.Rowling.

Here are my views about the novel ‘Harry Potter’ by J.K.Rowling:

 1. The Feminist reading:
Here we can see the portrayal of the character of Hermione and the other characters. Though Hermione is presented as the strong character throughout all the novels but still we can see some loose stones in her character. First of all in the movie she is shown as the beautiful girl. When Harry, Ron and Hermione grow up Hermione becomes the reason of the fighting between both of them. The other female characters like Lily Potter, Harry’s mother is also depicted as just a beautiful lady. All the time her name is mentioned when people talk about Harry’s eyes. But she is never mentioned as the powerful like Harry’s father. But if we minutely observe that we can see that Harry was alive because of his mother. And the portrayal of the Patil sisters.

2. Speculative Literature:
The basic understanding of Speculative literature means a world created by the author in which the rules and regulations are convincing in that world only. The rules may differ from our world in which we are live. Speculative literature also have the element of supernatural powers and at some extend the feeling of fear. Here J.K.Rowling has created the world of wizards and witches which is convincing to that world only and as a reader we can inter into that world through our imagination. It is true that Harry Potter is speculative literature but as the story forwards it talks about the reality of and death. And that is how J.K.Rowling is able to reach ‘Real’ literature through her work. And the journey is of Harry Potter so he is the soul of this story.

3.  Theme of Love and Death:
The theme of love and death goes parallel from the very beginning of the novel. Here Harry is representing love and Voldamort is representing the death. Though both the characters are grow without family but one is (Harry) is surrounded by friends as love and the other (Voldamort) is also surrounded by friends but in form of followers and they are there out of fear. J.K.Rowling is trying to give the ultimate truth of life that though Harry is a good fellow but he can’t escape from the death. Death is the reality of everybody’s life.

Thanking You…

Huxley vs Orwell: Dystonia Truth in Post-truth era .

Huxley vs Orwell: Dystonia Truth in Post-truth era 



I was reading Matthew Arnold few days ago to teach in S.Y.B.A... In the -History of English Literature, it was written about Arnold that "HE IS A TRUE REFLECTION OF A VERY REAL MOOD OF THE PAST CENTURY, THE MOOD OF DOUBT AND SORROW" & A FUTURE GENERATIONS MAY GIVE HIM A HIGHER PLACE THAN HE HOLDS NOW AS A POET".
He was raised into strict religious environment. & in college he was thrown into a world of doubt & questioning. So there was constant struggle in his heart to accept the faith of his father’s but in his head demanding proof and scientific exactness. So the same struggle between head and heart, between reason and intuition, between doubt and faith goes on in his poetry.

My point is that Matthew Arnold's reader will increased in every upcoming generation where this kind of struggle between head and heart, faith & doubt will found. The same idea can be apply to the novels of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell also. They had written something in advance, which is happening in present century. So the 21st century readers can understand them in better way then did their contemporary readers. To make my statement clear just repeating the line what I just wrote above ...."A FUTURE GENERATION MAY GIVE HIM A HIGHER PLACE THAN HE HOLDS NOW...."

This is what I think the reason behind the growth in reading of the mentioned novels.

Education System: School in Forest.

                Education System: School in Forest 


                                   This image regarding our education system. Every student has its own skill and his own capability; So many students are genius in their own field so here I give the ancient example of ‘The Mahabharata”. Guru Drona give task of the Archery to his Sishya but only Arjuna can do the task of Archery. So we can say that all Sishya not done this task because they have brilliant of another field like Bhīma is good in kusti so we should not judge them though of his marks but we should judge them though of his ability.

Post-truth: The Word of the Year 2016.

               Post-truth: The Word of the Year 2016
Respected sir,
          As per my understanding of post truth is, if we can take literal meaning of this word so we can find that there is first 'Truth' means what is already exist in the world and that is same for all people. For example: Earth is in round shape. But "Post truth" that means something that beyond truth. Let me explain, many of people would say that we are living in a 'Post truth world". What we consider as post truth? So post means something that s beyond and not telling in the truth. Reality is not what we see in this. Post truth"' is something like we "Created" or “new artificially invented truth". This word 'Post truth" is more appropriate or used in Media or in politics. So in this way if we look, media is take one or any event and then modifying that truth of this event and then presence, either it is in negative or in a positive it can be seen by people. So there is no real truth in this. Similarly politician has to use to from doing this all thing. They just are modifying the truth. So here perception of every person about truth is differentiate from one to another person. What is seen is not what is actually not truth, but post truth.
For example: During the election, media has to show only good things about Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi, so is it actually a truth?
No this is post truth which modifying and half truth which is created by media and people takes it with it different perspective. Post truth is "WE SEE WHAT WE WANT TO SEE"

Atheism and Morality

                    Atheism and Morality

All thinking Men are Atheists”.
                                                      Ernest Hemingway’s.
                           The Atheists people has lack of belief in the existence of God or strongly rejected the of the belief in a specific god. They believe that the man creates the world and there is no existence of the God. The religious person have some kind of belief in god and they follow the path of god .They not think individuality but they also believe in the supernatural power and god help him any trouble some situation but we see many gods like Mahavir, Bhubha have develop his own code and follow the path of morality so now a day they known as religious Gurus. In the Society we see that many people blind follower of the Guru like Ashram Bapu. He cheat the life many people but now a day’s many people follow him, so its harm the society and its breaks moral code of the society. In the ancient time the people has believe in some superstitions , like satipartha ,Dughapiti so this kind of superstition its effects the society and The religious people follow tradition because his gurus said this , so we are follow this .so its harm the life of people but the Atheists people has a disbelieve in the existence of gods. They also reject the power of God and They also believe in the reality not in the believe of some kind of assumption which prevail in the society.

Friday, 24 March 2017

The Heart of Darkness

          The Heart of Darkness
                              Joseph Conrad
                   The story of heart of darkness written by Joseph Conrad and   The story of Heart of Darkness is about the journey which takes a very hard effects to reach to the novel opens we see a group of people sitting on the ship called Nellie waiting the type to return suddenly Marlow who is the protagonist of the novel remarks  than this spot was once one of the dark places of the earth and when Romans visited this place I must become very heart for them to survive on the place where there is no facility and be also see that all the members of the groups .They just without utterly even a one single word. Mean while all of them started memorizing the memory of the great sailor which includes the sailor which include the sailor like Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Franklin .Some of them came here for the hunt of gold while some of them wanted to make then name by their achievement
                      When the sun set down Marlow break his silence and says that Brain was country of the earth .Thou by Professional Marlow was sailor “ He was all a wonderer ” and he felt deeply interested the whatever he see on the land after that Marlow explains how Britain was also a dark country around 9000 years ago when Romans came to Britain .They will stay in that country for long time but due to the lake of basic facilities like proper food, pour water .They started losing their interest and there was nothing in Braitain at that time which Romans finds interested in those days .There were only Marshes, forests and savages in Braitain.He also tell that Romans had just one purpose in their mind and that was talking away things from the people who have different completion by using brute force.