Std:- M.A
Roll no:- 12
Paper no:- 15( Mass communication and Media Studies)
Topic:- Impact of
Submitted to:- Department of English, Mahahraja Krishnakumarsinhji
Year:- 2015-17
Mass-Media is communication
-whether written, broadcast, or spoken- that reaches a large audience.This
includes television, radio, advertising, movies, the Internet, newspapers,
magazines, and so forth.
Mass Media is a significant
force in Modern culture, particularly in America. Sociologist refer to this as
a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture.
Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a
multitude of sources including T.V. billboards, and magazines , to name a few.
Impact of Media
The tremendous impact of the media on people just as a coin has two
sides, the impact of Mass media also can be positive
or negative .
Let us list some of the positive and
negative effects of media.
- Media provide news
and information required by the people.
- Media can educate the public
- Media helps a democracy function effectively. They
inform the public about government policies and programmes and how these
programmes can be useful to them.
This helps the people voice their feelings and
helps the government to make necessary changes in their policies or programmes.
- Media can entertain people.
- Media can act as an agent of change in development.
- Media has brought people of the world closer to each
-Media promote trade and industry through advertisements.
-Media can help the political and democratic processes of
a country.
- The traditional culture of a
country is adversely affected by Mass media.
- Entertainment has become the main component of mass
media.This affects the primary objectives of media to inform and educate the
- Media promote violence studies have proved that violance
shown on television and cinema have negative effects on children.
-Mass media promote the desire in people to buy and own
products those are advertised throughout the media but which not be essential
for them.
Mass media is communication whether
written, broadcast, or spoken-that reaches a large audience.
This includes television,radio, advertising, movies, the
Internet, newspapers, magazines,and so forth.
Mass media is a
significant force in Modern culture, particularly in America.Sociologist refer
to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creats the culture.
Communities and
individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources
including T.V. billboards, and magazines, to name a few.
Media helps us to evaluate important burning issues and
spreads awareness of current events. The society we live in is saturated with
The effects of these
media has on society also affects education in a very big way.
The impact of mass media on the society can be cited in
the following ways:
1. Media has helped in the diffusion of
education to the massis by spreading ideas, estalishing common interests that
help to spread enlightened culture.
2. Media plays a significant role in moulding
public opinion.It increases social awareness, encourages active partecipation
of the individual to realise his duties and obligations, raises his standard of
thinking and behaviour.
3. Mass media is a powerful means of public eduction.It
has helped in eradicating illiteracy, increasing mass awareness on various
social issues,equalizing eductional opportunities, promoting a secular and
egalitarian society.
4. Mass media has improved not only the quality of
education but also caters to a larger section of the population.
Thus, its contribution
is both qualitative as well as quantitative.
5. Mass media contributes to the constructive use of our
leisure time, which would otherwise have been wasted.
It helps develop new found interest and appreciation on a
wide variety of subjects, and also fosters creative ability.
6. Mass media broadens the outlook of people with regard
to religion and culture, as it enlightens listeners on information , helping to
remove superstitions, taboos and prejudices.
Thus, Media is becoming
increasingly important in the life of adults as well as children.we aquire a
great deal of information from the different forms of media such as newspapers,
films and documentaries, journals, radio,motion -pictures and more.
Media covers a
information that is accesible to all the different corners of the world.Thus,
today no one can be in different to the question of mass media and its effects.
Media has played significant role in strengthenig
the society.Media is concidered as "mirror" of the modern
society.Media which shapes our lives.
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