Name: - Gohel
Ankita Kishorbhai
- 12
PaperName: - The Romentic Literature
- The major Romentic poets of romentic
Guide: - Dilipsir Barad
Submitted: - smt. Gardi m.k
Bhavanagar university,
Department of English
Year: - 2015-2017
Generally romance in
literature it is known as romenticisim
style and tendency are also romentic.Romentic writers emphasis feeling, emotion
and according to Victor Hugo
“ Liberlism in Literature ”
Romanticism is a
romentic spirit in literature.
Romentic age is belived to
have started as a movement which began 1798 with the publication of lyrical
Ballad. However it is was not sudden out burst but the result of long and
gradual growth and development poet like Wordsworth,Coleridge,Shelly and
Keats very popular poets in romentic
It was a short of a
revolt literature which was intiate by poets like Wordsworth, Shelly,Byron,Coleridge and Keats.
Romentic poets classified
into three groups.
The Lake Group :-
Robert Southey
The Sport Group :-
Thomas Campbell
Thomas Moor
It comaparises of Byron, Shellyand Keats.
1) The
Lake Poets :-
They formed a school in the sense
that they worked in closed co-operation and they live was spread partiy in lake
districts.They were linked togather by friendship and all of them had
revolutionary ideas and most of them poetic belif comman.
Wordsworth and Coleridge lived togather for a
longtime and produced
‘ Lyrical Ballad ’
By joined effort in 1798. Both of them were
genious in the field of poetry and Southey supported them in their ideas. They
brought about revolution in the field of poetry and changed and in which the poetry was
seen and from.
Wordsworth was the
person who against the artifical poetic diction of the classical school which
was the separated from comman speech. He said that
“ There is nor can be any
essencial difference between the language of prose and material composition”
He wanted to
restore poetry and gives its rightful position.
He was greatest
of romentic period.He declared that
“ A poet is a man endowed with
more lively sensiblity, more enthusiasm and
tenderness, who has a greater knowledge of human nature and more
comprehension soul than are suppoted
tobe comman mankind ”
By defining poerty “The spontenious
over flow powerful feeling”.
He revolted against the dry
intellucality of predecessors by given his ideas about the poetic language as
simple and natural. He opposed the classic style by writing a variety of
Lyrics, Sonnet, Ode etc.
Lyrics :-
“ The Prelude”
“The Excursion”
“The recluse”
2) Sonnet :-
“ The world is to much with us”.
“ To Milton”
“ Westmins bridge”
“ Ode to duty”
“ Ode on the intimations of
The Rainbow”
Are popular Lyrics, Sonnets and Ode.
He was a poet of nature and of humanlife.
The genious of Coleridge was complementary to
that of wordsworth while wordsworths dealt naturalisim. he dealt with
supernatural as his special do in his younger days he was very much under the
influences of french revolution.He wrote poerty on political issues like
1) Religious Musing
2) Destiny of nation
3) Ode to the departing year
But like a wordsworth he also began
to think differently and this was subscribe by a beautiful poem.
France and Ode ”
He was genious but too much of
adition to opium and lake of will power, prevented him to go further in the
filed of poetry his to landmark poems are first
“ The Rime of Ancient Mariner
Which were full
of supernatural.He wrote always supernatural.They see emtional side everything
about his personal emotion and give shape to it.
poems like
“ Madoc and
“ The Curse of
“ Thalaba ”
All this poems were based on
mythology and he was supposed to be various reader and he was made a poet
literatuate.He could not imaginative .He was eternal ordinary compared
3)Sports group:-
Poet like walter scott,
Campbell and Thomas Moor from a scote group and all of them well extremely
creative in nature.
Walter Scott :-
He was the one who
made romentic poetry popular to masses poetry and novel like,
“ Marmion ”
“ The Lady of the lake
“ The Lady of the last
“ The Old Morality”
“ Woverley”
His poems were extremely popular
poems. His poetry was not imaginate in nature. His speciality was the narrative
power. The narrative power the chief characteristic of poetry are ,
3)Vivid Imaginary
4)Heroic Characters
His poetry based
on the middle ages.
Campbell and Moore :-
Both of them were
reconiged that minor poets and they basicallywrote on the subject of romance
moore was famouse for his old fashion poerty. Some of the famouse poems like ,
“ Gertrude of Wyoning”
“ The Battle of Baltic”
“ load Ullin’s daughter
The Younger Group:-
Poerty from
this ppeople taken as the second coming of english romenticisim all the idea
from Byron, shelly,and keats were revolutionary in nature.
Lord Byron :-
He was the most popular poet oe the
three.He took into consideration the poet of 18th century and wrote
accordingly. He had the habit of satiring his contempury’s work
“ English bards and Scotch
Was based against his
contempary’s his poerty more often than not was distractive in natureand wrote
most of the times on the socio political problems in the century.His famouse
poems are
1) “Childe herold’s pilgrimage”
“The Giaour”
3) Went to Italy ”
P.B Shelly :-
All most
opposite to Byron. His poerty was constructive in nature. P.B Shelly used to be
a person who used to be a person who had
high sence of ideas in terms of writing “ Question Mab ”. It is become
very succesfull and made him well known as apoet.He was against anything which
distractive.The Example of his writing are
“ The Revolt of Islam”( 1817)
“ Prometheus Unbound”(1820)
It is talk about the
human revolt against falls gods.
“ Alastor ”( 1816)
It is talk about
the concept of beauty.
“ Adonais” (1821)
It was elegy on
His notable small poems are
1) “ Ode To the westwind”
2) “ Ozymadies”
“The Skylark”
keats :-
Unlike Byron and Shelly
he never focused on anything which was too social political or for that
matter.He never wrote out of personal prejudices.He was a pure poetwho only
focusedon beauty.his fist knowledge long poem was
“ Endymion”(1818)
His Other knowledge poerty are
1) “La Bella Dame sense mercy”
2) “ Ode to Autumn”
3) “ ode to a nightingale ”
4) “ Ode to Gracian Urn”
The most perfect of keats
medieval poem. Keats own word is here suggestive.He said
“ The Imagination may be linked to adams dreams”
He awokes and found it true.