Monday, 8 February 2016

my views on structuralism

Structuralist critics like Ferdinand Saussure, Gerald Genette , Roland Barthes, Claude Levi-Strauss etc ., gave their valuable contribution in this approach. Structuralist critics founds basic common structure in every work. He says that skeleton is the structure and it is same everywhere. Similarly literature has a basic structure which we found common everywhere.

          In short Pramod k. Nayar say that , “ Structuralism is an attempt to see everything in term                of Sasurean linguistic. 
Structuralism  is  based  on three  term  like as
       1) Language -  The  entire human potential  for speech.
       2) Langue -  the system that each of of us  uses to generate  discourse  that is intelligible
                    to other and finally.                                        
       3) Parole -  our individual utterances.

                     Here Saussure has given an idea of sign, signifier and  signifier. Here we could say that a sign is the visual memories and signifier is the knowledge he got, and the way he used that  knowledge is signified. many of writer doing this type of the work. the diector of the film like haider, ramleela, bajirao mastani they have some type of visual memories in their mind and they got the knowldege and this knowldge apply in the film.
                Genette’s given the concept of Narratology  
1)      Order
2)      frequncy
3)      duration
4)      mood
5)      voice
1)      Order:
This concept is totally upon the circumstances and the situations which take place in the narration. How the story is said by the writer is important. In this concept we can include the flashback technique and the revelation of an important event.
2)       Frequency:
In this first concept he talks about the different order of the different texts and films etc. for example, An event can occur n times and be narrated once (iterative). In the movie ‘Gajini’ we will find that because of the villain gajini the hero is spending sleepless nights. The narration of this event comes only once in the movie but we can see the narration of the sleepless nights of the hero.An event can occur once and be narrated n times (repetitive). Here I would like to give the example of the novel ‘Bluest eye’. In which the protagonist suffers a lot and her molestation by her father. Which is narrated once but we can see her suffering a lot (after effects of her rap by her father)..
3)       Duration:
The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discourse time and narrative time. For example it takes just a second in passing the 5 or 10 years in the novel where as some times our more time passes where as in the novel it was just an hour. For example in the novel ‘To The Light House’ we will find the time passes in the second part in a second where as in the play ‘Oedipus Rex’ the time is just of 24 hours.
4)      . Voice:
Where the narration is from Intra-diegetic: inside the text. For example, in the novel ‘Emma’ by Jane Austen the character of Emma. Extra-diegetic: outside the text. For the character of Chetan Bhagat in his novels.
5)       Mood:
It is related to voice. Distance of the narrator changes with narrated speech, transposed speech and reported speech. Perspective of the narrator is called focalization. Narratives can be non-focalized, internally focalized or externally focalized. Like music it also has a kind of pattern.

                  I Have seen many films like baby, haider, holidays. the director of this film they doing some changes but concept and theme  framed in same structure love family and sacrifice.many t.v serial also have the same sturacture of detective series. for example cid, crime patrol , savathan india murder occurs, detection and murdered found by detective.