Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Here my Response on the Blog task of " Waiting for Godot".

1)    This Painting presenting clear cut image  the play of ‘ Waiting for Godot’. We See in the play that there are three setting like “ The Country Road, A Tree and Evening”. In this paining we see that one painting is suggest that the sun has rising it means they have Hope that god will come and the another Painting is suggest that the sun  has setting it means that they know that The ultimately truth of the life is the ‘Death’ and they known that our journey somewhere end and “our Aatma merge to Parramatta “. They are waiting for death. We can see on one side there is a barren tree because they both are immature in his nature and on the other side a grown tree (full of green leaves) ,its connected with his  spiritual satisfaction.

2)     In the  act 1 the Tree has barren so its connected with Hopelessness and nothingness of his life and in act 2  The Tree become grown tree its suggest that both of them understand the ultimate truth of the life is ‘’ DEATH’’. So both of them get spiritual satisfaction of his nature.

3)     Here i interpret that
                 The Moon – Life ( hope)
                 The Night ­­- Death
      In both Acts, Evening falls into night and moon rises  so its clearly show that they  have hope that godot will come and godot fulfills our desire  but at  the end both of them understand that the ultimate truth of life is death and we all are waiting for death.

4)    The director feels the setting with some debris with appropriateness.  Through the debris director wants to shows the fragmentation of life and nothingness of life. the debris gives some positive sign that one day our body will  turned out from the ashes. so the director  gives sign of death and immortality of the things.

5)    At the begging of the play the Estragon said that “Nothing to be done”. it means that they are constantly repeating same thing and they are waste our time to wait for godot and its uselessness.

6)     Yes, I agree that the play waiting for godot is positive play and its gives deep philosophical thinking about hope – home – salvation and at the end they understand that concept of death

7)    The two props like hat and boot has play significance role in the play .at the begging of the play we see that Vladimir wearing  hat ,its gives sign of his intellectuality( mind) and Estragon is trying to take of his boots,so its connected his physical strength( body).

8)       Yes, it is true that the lucky blindly follow the order of his master. we see that   he carries a heavy bags ,folding stool, a picnic basket and a greatcoat and he gives the rope of his sedative  and blind master, so here we see the a postcolonial mindset that he able to  escape of those place  but he given the whip of his master it means that the slave do not wants to change of his mentality, here we apply the master-slave mentality in this play  that the master become more master and slave become more slave . here i give the example of the play like ‘’ The hairy ape”. here i  interpret that
    Pozzo- materiality                                                                                     
     Lucky- Spirituality
9)    According to me, Godot  is meant to suggest the intervention of supernatural agency or whatever he stands for a mythical human being  whose arrival is expected to change the situation and its save our life and fulfills our wish. Both of them waiting for god may be they want to free from some pain like physical pain( Vladimir)and mental pain( Estragon).

10) The subject of the play is not Godot but waiting”. I do agree with the point of Martin Esslin. The act of waiting is essential and characteristic aspect of the human condition. we always wait for something so here the godot is simply present the objectives of our waiting  for an event, a things, a person and may be death

11)    During watching this play we also discussed on this things .Yes play can better be read than viewed because reading is the best way to understand the things. reading of things that comes with lots of idea , it is also increasing the thinking ability of reader.

12)    At the time When the Estragon and Vladimir are playing game with their hat they both of are puts hats to each other heads so they both of them doing stupid thing because they are passing their time because both of them waiting for godot and This sequence is my favorite of the play.

Episode of Master - slave is carefully crafted one. Both Lucky and Pozzo come in both the acts. Pozzo beats Lucky, treats him roughly, calls him 'pig'. Vladimir is challenging through questions where as Estragon on the other side makes fun, creates laughter on the stage. the long speech of Lucky is also wonderful. Even the boy comes, is confusing that whether it is the same boy or not. The dialogues between Vladimir and boy are short. boy mostly replies in Yes or No. and sometimes don’t give any answer. and Estragon remains busy in eating & sleeping is also meaningful

 Even the boy comes, is confusing that whether it is the same boy or not. the dialogues between Vladimir and boy are short. boy mostly replies in Yes or No. and sometimes don’t give any answer. and Estragon remains busy in eating & sleeping is also meaningful.

13) Yes, I feel the effect of existential crisis or meaninglessness of human existence in the irrational and indifference Universe during screening of the movie. Here the Existentialism is emphasis   the notions of  anguish, freedom,emotion ,individuality and passion of human life. in the middle of the act 2 we read the dialogues  between Estragone and Vladimir like
          Estragon: ­­- Let’s go.
          Vladimir: -   We can’t
          Estragon:- Why not?
          Vladimir   :-  We’re waiting for Godot.
In these dialogues we see that they doing meaningless work and the outcome of his work is nothing and they repeating same thing. We see that time has passes but they are constantly waiting for godot.

14) Both of them decided that we are  hang ourselves but Vladimir said that godot will come tomorrow so we will hang ourselves tomorrow. the man commit suicide it means that he doing something wrong in his life and he wants to free from the all suffering that why he commit suicide. According to Christianity the living of life is most agenda of the Christianity and “The commit suicide is an individual act”. Here we give the example of Ophelia in the play Hamlet. in the play we see that the priest refuses to do the burial ceremony of the Ophelia because she commit suicide so according  to Christianity the commit suicide is a sin.
15)   We read politically the play, Vladimir - Russia; Estragon - France; Pozzo - Italy and Lucky – England then Godot can be considered as Germany  because  its connected with somehow war or may be with Hitler.

16)   We see master and slave mentality  in this play .the slave Lucky has also know that his master is bind but he follow all the order of his master. so he able to leave that place but he did not do such thing .so we said that  the slave has don’t  change our mentality. So  we cannot clearly point out the connection of Ireland and England for the play.

 Act- 1
BOY: - What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
VLADIMIR: Tell him . . . (he hesitates) . . . tell him you saw us. (Pause.) You did see us, didn't you?
Act – 2
BOY: What am I to tell Mr. Godot, Sir?
VLADIMIR: Tell him . . . (he hesitates) . . . tell him you saw me and that . . (he hesitates) . . . that you saw me. (Pause. Vladimir advances, the Boy recoils. Vladimir halts, the Boy halts. With sudden violence.) You're sure you saw me; you won't come and tell me tomorrow that you never saw me!

 This change in conversation from “Us” to “Me” suggests two things first is Vladimir has become self-centered and another is being individual and leaving ego behind as psychologically Vladimir suggests id and Estragon suggests ego.

 Thank you ,sir

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

The Waste Land

            The Waste Land

                                    The Waste Land is  the poem of the 21 century .It is the masterpiece of the T.S Eliot .He talking about the land where  is nothing can be grown.The poem has divided into five parts. It is difficult poem because the poets includes many mytical story in his poems. Eliot has used very vast numbers of myth that are found in myths of various cultures from Greek, French, Indian, Christen and many other by recalling those of historical myths. Eliot created canvas with different images. He was unhappy with the present world in which he was living. He used myth in positive way to show negativity- decayed condition of his own culture. Whereas myths are deconstructed is negative use of myth.
                        Friedrich has the idea of 'Superman' who believes in faith and Self only. Superman has quality that he only believes in this life rather than after the death of life.Means, he has no belief in any mysticism. Super human  is the creator of own life and values. He has his own motifs and will power.He thinks that the self is more important than any thing else and there is nothing beyond the self.            

                         Freud and Eliot both are thinks differently. Freud believed in collective and individual balance , which should constantly take into account man’s primitive instincts.
Such perversion sex result in neurosis, frustration and disillusionment, despair and hopelessness of the modern man .
                          T.S. Eliot thinks that the salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition. T.S. Eliot had been reading Jessie Weston’s book ‘from Ritual to Romance’ , and James Frazer’s Famous Book ‘ The Golden Bough’. The Poet himself has acknowledged that he was deeply influenced by these work or anthropology. And the ancient and the primitive myth and legends which from the mythical background to the poem are derived from these book. Indian religious book’ Upanishad’ pointed out ways to salvation.

                       Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste land the T.S.Eliot uses Indian philosophies and Upanishads for his poem. He uses an ancient Indian language, which is also the language of Buddhist and Hindu scriptures. It was during this disturbed period of his life that he wrote The Waste Land.

                      The dead do not remain dead in T.S. Eliot's "Waste land".The other side of this, life-in-death, is illustrated by the first line of the poem which asserts that, “April is the cruellest month.” April is so cruel because it is the month of rebirth, and it serves as a reminder that in the "Wasteland" what is dead does not always stay dead.

There are numerous examples of Hindu influences on the "Wasteland." Like the repetition of "shantih" at the end of this poem.Hindu philosophy teaches that it is the ignorance of this unity which is at the root of all human misery and suffering.

Eliot uses words like :-
Datta: Give
Dayadvam: Sympathize
Damyata: Control

Datta: what have we given?
My friend, blood shaking my heart
The awful daring of a moment’s surrender
Which an age of prudence can never retract
By this, and this only, we have existed
Which is not to be found in our obituaries
Or in memories draped by the beneficent spider
Or under seals broken by the lean solicitor
In our empty rooms

Dayadhvam: I have heard the key
Turn in the door once and turn once only
We think of the key, each in his prison
Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison
Only at nightfall, aethereal rumours
Revive for a moment a broken Coriolanus

Damyata: The boat responded
Gaily, to the hand expert with sail and oar
The sea was calm, your heart would have responded
Gaily, when invited, beating obedient
To controlling hands

                                    I sat upon the shore
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Shall I at least set my lands in order?
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down
Poi s’ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam uti chelidon—O swallow swallow
Le Prince d’Aquitaine à la tour abolie
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
                  Shantih     shantih     shantih

                 Thank you

Sunday, 27 March 2016

The Major Romentic poets of Romentic age.

Name: -   Gohel    Ankita     Kishorbhai     
Rollno: - 12
PaperName: - The Romentic Literature
Topic: -  The major Romentic poets of romentic age                                
Guide: - Dilipsir Barad   
Submitted: - smt. Gardi m.k   Bhavanagar university,    Department    of   English
Year: - 2015-2017

                           Generally romance in literature  it is known as romenticisim style and tendency are also romentic.Romentic writers emphasis feeling, emotion and  according to Victor Hugo
                    “ Liberlism in Literature      
                        Romanticism is a romentic spirit in literature.
                  Romentic age is belived to have started as a movement which began 1798 with the publication of lyrical Ballad. However it is was not sudden out burst but the result of long and gradual growth and development poet like Wordsworth,Coleridge,Shelly and Keats  very popular poets in romentic age.
                       It was a short of a revolt literature which was intiate by poets like  Wordsworth, Shelly,Byron,Coleridge and Keats.
*           The major romantic poet:-
                      Romentic poets classified into three groups.              
1)                        The Lake Group :-
                              Robert Southey
2)                         The Sport Group :-
                             Thomas Campbell
                             Thomas Moor
 It comaparises of Byron, Shellyand Keats.                      
1) The Lake Poets :- 
                            They formed a school in the sense that they worked in closed co-operation and they live was spread partiy in lake districts.They were linked togather by friendship and all of them had revolutionary ideas and most of them poetic belif comman.
                   Wordsworth and Coleridge lived togather for a longtime and produced
                       ‘ Lyrical Ballad ’
                                        By joined effort in 1798. Both of them were genious in the field of poetry and Southey supported them in their ideas. They brought about revolution in the field of  poetry and changed and in which the poetry was seen and from.
                           Wordsworth was the person who against the artifical poetic diction of the classical school which was the separated from comman speech. He said that
              “ There is nor can be any essencial difference between the language of prose and material composition”
                              He wanted to restore poetry and gives its rightful position.
                              He was greatest of romentic period.He declared that
                 “ A poet is a man endowed with more lively sensiblity, more enthusiasm and  tenderness, who has a greater knowledge of human nature and more comprehension soul  than are suppoted tobe comman mankind ” 
         By defining poerty “The spontenious over flow powerful feeling”.                       
                                    He revolted against the dry intellucality of predecessors by given his ideas about the poetic language as simple and natural. He opposed the classic style by writing a variety of Lyrics, Sonnet, Ode etc.
1)     Lyrics :-
            “ The Prelude”
             “The Excursion”
              “The recluse”
2) Sonnet :-
            “ The world is to much with us”.
            “ To Milton”
             “ Westmins bridge”

3)     Ode
            “ Ode to duty”
             “ Ode on the intimations of immorality”
              The Rainbow”
                            Are popular Lyrics, Sonnets and Ode. He was a poet of nature and of humanlife.

2)Coleridge :-
                               The genious of Coleridge was complementary to that of wordsworth while wordsworths dealt naturalisim. he dealt with supernatural as his special do in his younger days he was very much under the influences of french revolution.He wrote poerty on political issues like
1) Religious Musing
2) Destiny of nation
3) Ode to the departing year
                                   But like a wordsworth he also began to think differently and this was subscribe by a beautiful poem.
                          “ France and Ode ”
          He was genious but too much of adition to opium and lake of will power, prevented him to go further in the filed of poetry his to landmark poems are first
                 “ The Rime of Ancient Mariner Christable” 
         Which  were full of supernatural.He wrote always supernatural.They see emtional side everything about his personal emotion and give shape to it.  
3)Southey :-
               His poems like
                             “ Madoc and Roderick”
                             “ The Curse of Kingdom”
                              “ Thalaba ”
              All this poems were based on mythology and he was supposed to be various reader and he was made a poet literatuate.He could not imaginative .He was eternal ordinary compared Coleridge.
 3)Sports group:-
                   Poet like walter scott, Campbell and Thomas Moor from a scote group and all of them well extremely creative in nature.
1)         Walter Scott :-
                          He was the one who made romentic poetry popular to masses poetry and novel like,
                   “ Marmion ”  
                        “ The Lady of the lake “
                         “ The Lady of the last minister”
                         “ The Old Morality”
                         “ Woverley”
            His poems were extremely popular poems. His poetry was not imaginate in nature. His speciality was the narrative power. The narrative power the chief characteristic of poetry are ,
3)Vivid Imaginary
4)Heroic Characters
                              His poetry based on the middle ages.        
2)         Campbell and Moore :-
             Both of them were reconiged that minor poets and they basicallywrote on the subject of romance moore was famouse for his old fashion poerty. Some of the famouse poems like ,
                    “ Gertrude of Wyoning”
                    “ The  Battle of Baltic”
                   “ load Ullin’s daughter

3)        The Younger Group:-
                        Poerty from this ppeople taken as the second coming of english romenticisim all the idea from Byron, shelly,and keats were revolutionary in nature.

1)           Lord Byron :-
                  He was the most popular poet oe the three.He took into consideration the poet of 18th century and wrote accordingly. He had the habit of satiring his contempury’s work
               “ English bards and Scotch reviwers”(1809)     
                   Was based against his contempary’s his poerty more often than not was distractive in natureand wrote most of the times on the socio political problems in the century.His famouse poems are

1)  “Childe herold’s pilgrimage”
2)  “The Giaour”
           3)   Went to Italy ”
2)           P.B Shelly :-
                                All most opposite to Byron. His poerty was constructive in nature. P.B Shelly used to be a person who  used to be a person who had high sence of ideas in terms of writing “ Question Mab ”. It is become very succesfull and made him well known as apoet.He was against anything which distractive.The Example of his writing are
               “ The Revolt of Islam”( 1817)
                “ Prometheus Unbound”(1820)
                        It is talk about the human revolt against falls gods.   
               “ Alastor ”( 1816)
                               It is talk about the concept of beauty.
                “ Adonais” (1821)
                                It was elegy on keats.
    His notable small poems are
1) “ Ode To the westwind”
2) “ Ozymadies”
3)  “The Skylark”

3)John keats :-
                      Unlike Byron and Shelly he never focused on anything which was too social political or for that matter.He never wrote out of personal prejudices.He was a pure poetwho only focusedon beauty.his fist knowledge long poem was
               “ Endymion”(1818)
     His Other knowledge poerty are
1) “La Bella Dame sense mercy”
2) “ Ode to Autumn”
3) “ ode to a nightingale ”
4) “ Ode to Gracian Urn”
               The most perfect of keats medieval poem. Keats own word is here suggestive.He said
            “ The Imagination  may be linked to adams dreams”
              He awokes and found it true.